Le Jardin Retrouve | Yuri Gutsatz
Le Jardin Retrouvé was founded in 1975 by Yuri GUTSATZ, Perfume - Composer, who had spent the greater part of his career working in one of the most prestigious French companies producing aromatic products. After having worked all his life in the anonymity of a laboratory, he created his own line of perfumes that he symbolically called Le Jardin Retrouvé.

Le Jardin Retrouvé with its limited production, is an attempt to return to the artisanal sources from which perfumery originated, with all that it implies in terms of patience and love of a thing well done.

Without indulging in unnecessarily luxurious presentations or costly advertising, Le Jardin Retrouvé offers a range of products of the finest quality choosing only the best raw materials available. For all our products we use original fragrances, specially created by Yuri GUTSATZ, Perfume-Composer, made of natural ingredients, and products resulting from research in organic chemistry.

As traditional perfume-making demands, our Eaux de Parfum undergo a long maceration in containers before being bottled, in order to obtain the harmonious "blending" that is indispensable for bringing out the olfactive qualities of its various ingredients. Le Jardin Retrouvé offers you a collection of modern-day perfumes as well as those evocative of days gone by.

YG at Work
Yuri Gutsatz, the force behind Le Jardin Retrouvé, was known to be a Perfumer who is known for openly expressing what many others think or say in a whisper.

Extract of Yuri Gutsatz' speech : Parfumeur, ton nom est Personne (Perfumer, Thy Name is Nobody).
"More and more, the (perfumery) business is concentrated in the hands of huge corporations whose vocations more resemble oil drilling than fields of roses".

YG Garden

Extract of the speech at the Création & Marketing Conference:
"Perfumery is part of the social and economic environment it lives in. Class and refinement are no longer the predominant imperatives of our time and will certainly not be in the future".

Extract from his speech at the Perfumers' Conference - Grave problems now facing creativity in Perfumery:
"Perfumers should not let themselves be permanently deprived of their creative initiative - this was the prerogative of French perfumery during several generations, and the origin of its renown and greatness. They should not be transformed into robots chained to a mountain of imitations! To avoid this, there is only one issue - to show proof of imagination and audacity!"

Read more about the fascinating story of Yuri Gutsatz and Le Jardin Retrouvé in our FORUM!